
Client-Based Services

As a result of working with Dr. Blacktop you can expect to feel more whole, connected, empowered, tapped in, trusting, and loving of yourself. You will have revealed to yourself that you are who’ve you always wanted to be and that within you there already is all the answers, power, and ability you need for you to achieve your aligned success in any venture, path, life change, or outcome. You will have a specific game plan, actionable steps, and approach to achieve your desired outcome(s). This approach will be specifically tailored to you and your circumstances, making moving forward with confidence and success not only possible but probable. You will have the personal ability to go beyond limitations and boundaries to find sustaining happiness and fulfillment in your daily life in a way that is specific to you.

Life coaching is an umbrella term referring to coaching in any aspect of life. Coaching focuses on the present to help move people forward in the desired direction by asking powerful questions, establishing accountability, determining desired or needed outcomes, and designing plans with actionable steps to achieve those outcomes. Coaching helps someone determine what it is that they really want or need and how to obtain it. A coach guides the client to their own answers, accountability, and actionable steps to achieve success and sustainable change in any aspect of life.

Dr. Blacktop is a Certified Life Coach (CLC) through Life Purpose Institute.

Spirit, energy, and consciousness are intimately related. Spirit comes from the Latin word spiritualitas. Spiritualitas comes from the noun spiritus which means ‘the breath of life’. The root word of spiritus is spirare which means to breathe, to blow, and to live. The root ‘ality’ in general is the characteristic nature or essence of something. Therefore, spirituality literally means the essence of living, to LIVE. To live, energy and consciousness are necessary, in fact, consciousness is energy, and energy is consciousness. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted into one form to another.

Consciousness coaching brings the essence of life into central focus of the coaching partnership. In this view, ‘spiritual’, ‘energy’, ‘consciousness’ are broad terms that can be applied to all aspects of life, they are the essence of life itself. The essence of life can be represented by various terms including but not limited to the universe, source, God, supreme being, divine, creator, eternal, and higher power. 

Spirituality has also been defined by theologian Sandra Schneiders as “the experience of conscious involvement in the project of life-integration through self-transcendence toward the ultimate value one perceives“. Integration is to bring together multiple parts to function as one. Transcendence is to rise above or go beyond the limits.

Solscience defines consciousness (‘spiritual’) coaching as “working toward synchronizing the many parts of the self to go beyond limitations and boundaries to find more wholeness, and as a result sustainable bliss, the essence of living”. Central to this approach are the meaning, purpose, and core values of the client. 

Dr. Blacktop is a Certified Spiritual Coach (CSC) through Life Purpose Institute.

Emergence occurs when one is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own, properties that emerge only when the parts interact with a greater whole. Simply the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. What many call “spiritual”, “mystical”, “energetic”, “conscious” effects, experiences, and/or processes can also be referred to as emergent phenomena. Some may use the term “spiritual emergence” while others may use the more universal term “awakening”.

Spiritual emergence was defined by Dr. Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof as “the movement of an individual to a more expanded way of being that involves enhanced emotional and psychosomatic health, greater freedom of personal choices, and a sense of deeper connection with other people, nature, and the cosmos. An important part of this development is an increasing awareness of the spiritual dimension in one’s life and in the universal scheme of things.” This is commonly referred to as an awakening.

The term Spiritual Emergence Coach® (SEC) was developed and defined by Dr. Emma Bragdon of Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU) as someone who is ‘trained to recognize specific phenomena of this process and support those who are challenged by these unusual phenomena. More people are having these experiences, increasing the need in support for a positive outcome independent of traditional mental health care approaches.’

Most qualified emergence coaches have not only undergone the process themselves but also been trained in how to specifically coach through the process to assist the client appropriately along their path of development. Dr. Blacktop is one of those coaches.

Dr. Blacktop is a Certified Spiritual Emergence Coach (CSEC) through Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU).

Recovery coaching is a specific type of partnership that provides non-clinical assistance and support for long-term recovery and relapse prevention in substance use disorder (‘addiction’). This involves designing a plan with actionable steps specific to each client to apply in one’s life to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

This type of coaching can have many different approaches. It does necessarily involve a deeper understanding of what one is truly seeking by using a substance and then re-prioritizing a new structured life approach. Here the reward behind the substance use is identified and re-prioritized in a healthy way where now the rewards of sobriety are greater than the reward of the substance.

Dr. Blacktop’s career work includes academic neuroscience (Ph.D.) studying, researching, mentoring, and teaching how the brain works with drugs, how the drugs change the brain, and how the changes of the brain control behavior.

Substance Use Disorder is the clinical term for what is called ‘addiction’ to substances or ‘drugs’. This involves continued use despite negative effects, craving, and relapse. The drugs change how the brain functions, producing cravings, making relapse rates very high. Understanding how to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse is essential.

Educating how the brain works with drugs, how the drugs change the brain, and how the changes of the brain control behavior are only a part of the story. These effects demonstrate the difficult symptoms but not the true cause. Most people who try drugs do not become ‘addicts’. To truly get to the cause you need to determine what was the underlying need to use the drug, to begin with.

Two fundamental causes of substance use disorders include early life trauma and inhibited conscious connection. Trauma can inhibit conscious connection making these two intimately tied together. Carl Gustav Jung said, ‘Behind every craving is a thirst for transcendence or wholeness.’ Who doesn’t have cravings? Who isn’t trying to become more whole? This supports the general idea that most people, in fact, have a form of addiction of some sort but that society only categorized and stigmatized the most extreme cases.

True education is knowledge and wisdom that empowers. By taking an integrated approach toward wholeness it is possible to take actionable steps into one’s life in a way that can promote sobriety and prevent relapse.

Dr. Blacktop received his Ph.D. in neuroscience studying how ‘addiction’ works in the brain. He has an extensive background in research, science application, education, and mentorship on the topic of ‘addiction’.

Science is limited by consciousness, but human consciousness is expanding. The natural result will be an expanded scientific approach. A collective transition is occurring from an age of materialism ruled by measurability to an age of energy where what cannot currently be measured interacts and creates our material world.

“Your cognition is limited but your consciousness is limitless.” – Jordan Blacktop

First frequency and sound energy create specific patterns and shapes. These patterns and shapes then create the physical world. These non-material energies are responsible for creating the material which includes our body, life, world, and reality. Dis-ease starts at the energy level first then reveals itself in the material body. By working with energy every person has the power to heal themselves and create their reality.

Traditional health sciences have been locked into the material because it can be observed and measured. However, the material is only 4% of what exists, the other 96% is the ‘unknown’ field. This means that the current scientific approach is studying a small percentage of all that exists, including our physical bodies.

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality.” –  Carl Sagan

A new scientific approach needs to incorporate the non-material with the material. Solscience is dedicated an education to bridge the gap between the material sciences and non-material sciences of health. This is called ‘Health & Consciousness Science’ and is intended to aid in human understanding and potential.

Dr. Blacktop taught health sciences as an assistant professor at university integrating the science of consciousness and observing the societal need for Health & Consciousness Science Education.