Navigating Life with the Guidance of a Life Coach

Life is the embodiment of expression, experience, and evolution; to live. Spirituality means the essence of living, or to live. Therefore, all life coaching is spiritual coaching.

What if I were to tell you there was one thing you could do/be that would enable you to navigate your life in totality with more ease grace, fulfillment, happiness, and efficiency? It is simple and in this simplicity, there is power, beauty, and truth. All you have to do is BE PRESENT and IN YOUR HEART. By bringing your awareness to the heart being present is easier and can be applied to interactive everyday life.

Questions to understand what this means for you may be: When are you most connected? What thoughts, feelings, and awareness do you observe within and without yourself when you are connected? When are you happiest? When do you feel most loved? Do you have unconditional love for yourself? When do you feel whole? Do you or can you feel whole? What may be missing?

Today’s world is busy. We strive for our place within it to reach fulfillment, yet we are within our minds and thoughts, like a hamster on a wheel hyped up on methamphetamine. Like an app on our phones running in the background draining our battery. We fight uphill both ways, work harder, to gain less, and less is achieved. Why? Partly due to societal structure and partly to our relationship that creates our reality and subsequent society. The rules to best navigate our lives, our reality, and our relationship with that reality are changing. To navigate the next chapter adaptive coping skills are required. This can only be done when we are present. The present moment holds a sweetness and infinite potential to co-create the life your soul desires. All we have is the present moment; here we can change our past, present, and future. There is freedom and you are limitless. We can heal, change, and maintain. More presence results in greater productivity, and efficiency, with less effort. Simply, presence is a key coping skill needed to adjust to the new rules navigating our lives.

Yet, most things in our lives appear to be specifically designed to take us away from the present moment. Cell phones, jobs, obligations, productivity, expectations, routines, social media, news, societal polarization, socioeconomics, fear, politics, war, etc. What do we do?

To let go of it all, no matter how far away or close your past, future, or near present has been or seems. Let go of all. Let go of mental constructs on what is supposed to be, let it go. Let go of it all up to the present moment. Concerns may only efficiently be dealt with in the present moment. Meet them there. Presence is easiest to achieve when you shift your focus from your head to your heart. The heart sends signals to the brain to work smoothly and coherently to harmonize. Welcome the present moment in its entirety and breathe into your heart. If the mind is chattering and the world around is pushing and pulling, tap on your breastbone in the middle of your chest, just above your heart. Tap and breathe into your heart. Focus on the sensation of the tapping through the noise. Relax your physical body, relinquish illusioned control, and engage in immediate stimuli. Allow the heart to communicate to the mind so that the mind may serve you instead of you serving it.

Simply be an interested observer of yourself in relation to everything. Clues to our essence rest in the awareness that is observing the thoughts. “I tomorrows will had never been gone before”. Individuation, distance, time, matter, and reality slowly blend into a sea of wholeness, like facets of infinity or drops within an ocean. Contemplate the magic of existence, your essence, and welcome your own genuine engagement with your essence of existence which is life. Find your own expression of love to harmonize toward coherence from your physiology to your awareness and back again.

This inner sight needs to find roadblocks such as fears, trauma, addictions, separation, memories, and emotions both at the subconscious and conscious levels. By bringing the subconscious to the conscious and the superconscious to the conscious, the soul may speak to your shadow with the sound and light of eternal love. Here lives the power to heal yourself and to transcend into sustainable presence, happiness, fulfillment, and bliss.

In summary, although to BE PRESENT and IN THE HEART is simple in concept, it may be difficult to sustain in practice initially. This is where inner work comes in. If the essence of who you are wants to communicate and commit to doing the inner work, the rewards far exceed the efforts and abundance will abound.